Menternak itik tidaklah begitu sukar sebagaimana menternak ayam. Itik mempunyai daya hidup yang tinggi dan tidak mudah diserang penyakit. Cara pemeliharaan dan pengurusannya mempunyai sedikit perbezaan dan lebih mudah jika dibandingkan dengan ternakan ayam.
Baka itik merupakan faktor penting bagi menentukan pengeluaran yang baik. Anak-anak dari pengeluar atau pusat-pusat penetasan yang diakui keunggulan performannya hendaklah diperolehi.
Ciri-ciri baka itik penelur yang berkualiti ialah:-
mempunyai daya hidup yang tinggi
bebas dari kecacatan
penghasilan telurnya adalah abaik (kira-kira antara 260 - 300 biji setahun)
menghasilkan telur yang berkualiti
berat antara 65 - 75 gm sebiji
kulit telur adalah keras
warna kuning telur kemerah-merahan
saiz badannya sederhana. Berat badan semasa bertelur di antara 1.3 - 1.8 kg
ruang antara tulang punggung (pelvic) adalah luas.
Baka-baka itik telur yang sesuai adalah kacukan Khaki Champbell dari Thailand, Taiwan dan Australia.
Rumah itik haruslah mempunyai ciri-ciri berikut:-
1. Peredaran udara yang sempurna. Peredaran udara yang baik dapat menolong mengeringkan kelembapan dan menghapuskan gas amonia dari najis itik
2. Saiz rumah mestilah sesuai dengan jumlah itik yang hendak dipelihara. Jangan membina rumah itik dengan terlalu sempit atau terlalu besar. Saiz yang sesuai bagi seekor itik dewasa ialah 3 - 4 kaki persegi.
3. Seelok-elok ia hendaklah didindingkan. Dinding yang sesuai ialah lebih kurang 3 kaki dari paras lantai. beberapa buah pintu perlulah dibuat menghala ke kawasan lapang. Tujuan pintu ialah bagi mempastikan semua itik-itik dapat dikurung di dalam reban pada malan hari supaya selamat dari musuh dan tidak bertelur dimerata-rata yang boleh menyebabkan telornya kotor dan hilang.
4. Rumah itik mestilah mempunyai rekabentuk yang sesuai supaya mudah penternak keluar masuk membersih, merawat dan mengumpul telur.
Induk palsu antaranya:
Hover, Infrared, Bulb yang tinggi kuasa, Lampu minyak tanah,
Bekas makanan/minuman (sama seperti peralatan ayam)
Sarang bertelur
Lain-lain seperti bekas telur, baldi, sekop pembancuh makanan dan sebagainya
Satu lagi faktor penting dalam menentukan penghasilan dan kejayaan projek ialah pemakanan. Pemakanan adalah faktor yang boleh dikawal bagi mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan. Dari segi ekonominya pula makanan akan menentukan kos pengeluaran. Oleh itu penternak mestilah pandai menilai jenis-jenis makanan yang baik danmenjimatkan perbelanjaan di dalam mengendalikan projek.
Terdapat 2 jenis makanan yang sesuai untuk itik telur.
1. Makanan komersil
2. Makanan campuran sendiri
1.Makanan Komersil
Ialah makanan yang dikeluarkan oleh kilang pembuat makanan ternakan yang mana ianya mempunyai zat-zat keperluan mengikut umur dan jenis ternakan.
| Jenis Makanan
| Kandungan | |
Protin | Tenaga | ||
0 - 2 minggu | "Duck Starter" | 20 % | 2700-3000 |
2 - 3 minggu | "Duck Starter" dicampur "Duck Grower" | - | - |
4 - 16 minggu | "Duck Grower" | 16 % | 2500 - 2800 |
16 minggu dan semasa bertelur | "Layer" | 17 % | 2600 - 2900 |
2. Makanan Campuran Sendiri
Satu rumusan makanan yang mengandungi zat-zat keperluan dari bahan-bahan yang murah didapati dan diadun sendiri bagi penghasilan dan kesihatan yang baik.
Beras hancur (temukut), dedak padi, baja ikan, baja udang, serbuk kacang soya, layer premix vitamin dan galian, batu kapur, jagung, synthetic pigment dan lain-lain .
Anggaran seekor itik memerlukan makanan seperti berikut:-
Umur |
0 - 4 minggu | 1.2 kg. - 1.6 kg. |
5 minggu - 22 minggu | 11.0 kg - 11.8 kg |
22 minggu ke atas (semasa bertelur) | 160 hingga 170 gm bagi tiap-tiap seekor/hari |
Bagi itik telur, mengawal makan perlulah dilakukan sejak umurnya 7 minggu. Kawalan makanan boleh juga dilakukan dengan melihat berat badan itik tersebut berat yang sesuai bagi itik yang sedang bertelur ialah diantara 1.3 kg hingga 1.75 kg. (bagi itik Khaki Cambell berat maksima ialah 1.95 kg).
Itik boleh juga diserang penyakit. Kawalan haruslah dilakukan bagi mengelakkan dari terkena serangan penyakit iaitu:-
Menjaga kebersihan ladang setiap masa
Memberi makanan yang baru bermutu dan tidak berkulat
Memberi air bersih. Air yang mengandungi ubat " antistress" harus diberi pada umur itik 1 - 3 hari.
Itik yang menunjukkan tanda sakit perlulah diasingkan untuk rawatan atau pun di takai
Mencuci reban dengan pembasmi kuman seperti lysol, lindoress sebelum ketibaan anak- anak itik yang baru
Menghubungi Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan jika terdapat tanda-tanda penyakit.
Cahaya adalah penting dalam penternakan itik penelur. Cahaya boleh didapati dari cahaya semulajadi iaitu matahari dan juga cahaya tambahan iaitu lampu pada malam hari.
2 sebab cahaya mustahak pada malam hari ialah:-
Untuk menerangi seluruh kawasan bangsal bagi mengurangkan tabiat itik yang mudah terperanjat dengan sesuatu benda asing atau bunyi di dalam suasana gelap.
Mempercepatkan dan menambahkan pengeluaran telur
Itik-tik telur yang berumur 20 minggu ke atas memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 16 jam cahaya secara terus menerus. memandangkan tempoh cahaya pada waktu siang ialah lebih kurang 12 jam maka, adalah dicadangkan supaya tambahan 3 - 4 jam lagi boleh diperolehi dari cahaya lampu yang dipasang di dalam bangsal.
Keperluan cahaya/kuasa lampu letrik ialah sebanyak 250 watt/1000 kaki persegi.
Jarak di antara lantai dengan lampu letrik ialah 7 kaki
Jika perlu penternak boleh menggunakan suis jangka (time switch) bagi memudahkan pengurusan cahaya lampu ini.
Pengurusan yang cekap menitikberatkan segala aspek pengurusan bagi mencapai satu tahap penghasilan yang maksima dengan kos pengeluaran yang minima. Aspek-aspek ini melibatkan pengendalian:
Persediaan sebelum ketibaan anak itik
Pemeliharaan semasa perindukan
Pengurusan semasa membesar
Pengurusan semasa bertelur
Persediaan Sebelum Ketibaan Anak Itik
Sediakan alat pembentung untuk induk palsu. (3 meter garispusat boleh memuatkan 500 ekor anak itik)
Sediakan abuk papan/jerami padi di dalam pembentung setebal 3 - 4 inci.
Sediakan air minum dan pasangkan alat pemanas 2 - 3 jam sebelum anak itik sampai.
Pemeliharaan Semasa Perindukan
Anak itik perlu diberi minum terlebih dahulu. Selepas 1/2 jam baharulah anak itik boleh diberi makan.
Masa perindukan adalah selama 20 - 25 hari. Pasangkan alat pemanas seperti biasa. Lihat taburan anak itik untuk menentukan tahap kepanasan yang diperlukan.
Beri antistress selama 3 hari.
Beri makanan duck starter crumble tanpa had
Pembentung perlu dibesarkan mengikut saiz itik dan tambah bilangan bekas makan dan minum ikut kesesuaian.
Pastikan alas lantai sentiasa kering dan balik-balikan.
Pengurusan Semasa Membesar
Keluarkan alat pemanas dan pembentung
Tukarkan bekas makan dan minum dengan bekas yang besar
Alas lantai (habuk papan) hendaklah sentiasa kering
Beri makanan Grower Pellet atau jika menggunakan makanan campuran pastikan mengandungi 16 % protin dan Tenaga 2500 - 2800k/cl
Timbang 2 - 3 ekor itik dalam satu kumpulan untuk menentukan berat .
Itik yang berumur 7 minggu hendaklah dikawal sukatan makanannya supaya tidak terlalu gemuk sehingga tidak boleh bertelur.
Pengurusan Itik Semasa Bertelur
Itik akan mula bertelur apabila berumur 20 - 22 minggu. Oleh itu :-
Beri makanan jenis Layer Pellet. Jika menggunakan makanan campuran pastikan mengandungi 2600 - 2900 k/cl.
Makanan ini hendaklah dimulakan pada umur itik 16 minggu atau 4 - 5 minggu sebelum bertelur.
Bagi makanan mengikut sukatan yang betul (150 - 170 gm sehari /ekor.
Lain-lain makanan tambahan seperti rumput dan sayuran elok dicampur sama
Bagi menentukan mutu telur bahan pewarna Synthetic Pigment boleh dicampurkan ke dalam makanan (100 gm SP + 100 kg makanan campuran sendiri)
Masukkan sarang bertelur (1 kotak = 5 ekor itik)
Kurung itik di dalam kandang setiap malam supaya tidak bertelur merata-rata
Pungut telur setiap pagi sebelum diberi makan
Semak keperluan cahaya mengikut umur itik
Hasil-hasil yang boleh di dapati dari projek menternak itik ialah :-
Telur Itik Segar
Boleh dijual kepada pemborong atau kedai membuat kek tempatan atau orang persaorangan. Telur itik digredkan dengan mengambil kira dari segi kekuningan isi telur Ini boleh dilihat melalui pengukur warna (Kipas roche) Telur yang bermutu di pasaran ialah di antara 13.6 - 15.0.
Telur Masin
Telur masin adalah telur yang diawit untuk dimakan atau disimpan lama. harganya adalah lebih baik dari telur segar.
Cara untuk memproses telur masin boleh di dapati di bahagian penerbitan.
Menyimpan rekod adalah sangat mustahak. Rekod catatan adalah satu daripada beberapa perkara yang mesti bagu mengujudkan satu pengurusan yang sempurna. melalui rekodlah sesuatu projek diberi penilaian samada menguntungkan atau sebaliknya. Disamping itu rekod adalah perlu bagi memberi gambaran untuk merancang masa hadapan.
Terdapat 2 jenis rekod yang diberi keutamaan
Rekod pemeliharaan/pengurusan
Rekod kewangan
by Zainal Abidin Md Noor
Duck raising once a small sideline occupation is gradually growing in importance to the poultry meat industry. With the growing demand for poultry meat, the duck industry has commenced to follow the same pattern of the broiler industry. This could be seen in the establishment of more specialized business venture with modern poultry abattoirs, processing fro better packaging and presentation to consumers.
About 10 million meat ducks are raised annually for slaughter in Malaysia. Most are produced under semi intensive system in a few commercially duck production areas in the country.
The per capita consumption for duck meat per annum is about 2.0 kg. This low consumption of duck meat could be attributed to few promotions given and the demand by other communities than are very poor.
With the encouragement of the Malaysian Government for duck production under its National Agriculture policy, the demand for duck meat need to be further increased in order to meet the population increase of the future.
For table purposes the main breeds are Pekin, Muscovy, Aylesbury, Cherry Valley and the local Itik Jawa Crosses.
| | | |
| Pekin Duck | Aylesbury | Muscovy |
| | ||
| Cherry Valley |
The commercial Duck Industry is built around the Pekin /Meat breed. This is because much genetic improvement has taken place with the breed and it reaches market weight early than the other breeds. Besides breed, consideration should also be given to white plumage which produces an attractive dressed carcass in selecting ducks for meat production.
The expected performance of the Commercial Meat Ducks that are available in Malaysia are as follows.
| Breed | Marketing age (days) | Feed Conversion ratio | Line weight (kg) |
1 | Chery Valley (U.K) | 49 - 56 | 2.5 : 1 | 3.00 |
2 | Steggles (Australia) | 49 | 2.6 : 1 | 3.20 |
3 | C.P Duck (Thailand) | 47 | 2.8 : 1 | 3.09 |
4 | Quick Gro (Philippines) | 47 | 2.8 : 1 | 3.09 |
5 | Pekin X | 49 - 56 | 3.18 : 1 | 3.00 |
6 | Muscovy | 16 weeks | 2.7 : 1 (M)
| 5.6 kg
7 | Itik Jawa Tempatan | 56 | 4.2 : 1 | 1.4 kg |
Ducklings can be successfully brooded in any brooder house and and under any type of brooder used. The run and the area under the source of heat should however be on the same level.
Aparts from gas heating which is popular, infra red lamps and kerosene lamps can also be used
The brooder house should be well ventilated but free from ground draughts. This is achieved by having open sides or window 3ft above the floor level. The open sides can be covered with curtains when necessary. As for the brooder space of 1 sq. ft. should be allowed per duckling during brooding.
The floor should preferably be concrete with litter to a depth of 8 centimeters.. Keep the litter dry at all times and removed cake manure frequently.
As for the brooders irrespective of the type used, it should provide enough constant heat at all times to the ducklings.. The temperature required during brooding is : -
1 st week - | 32 º C |
2 nd week - | 29 - 30º C |
It is always necessary to used surrounds during brooding. This will prevent duckling from wondering and also prevent heat loss quickly. Surrounds should/made bigger each day/be and removed between 10 - 14 days
Water drinkers should be placed on elevated platform which is easily acessable. The watering system must be absolutely realiable and cleaned daily.
1 - 7 days | 2 gallon plastic bottles | for 100 ducklings |
8 - 28 days | Round Automatic Drinker | for 50 ducklings |
29 - 49/56 days | Long (linear ) automatic drinker | for 250 ducks |
Care should be taken to avoid the ducklings wetting themselves or causing waste to dampen the litter.
With feeders, they should be adequate and easily reached. The feeders can prevent wastage and also easily filled and cleaned. The requirement per feeder are :-
1 - 7 days | square bins | 50 - 100 ducklings |
8 - 49/56 days | wooden feed hopper of different design, shapes & sizes | 2 liner inches per duck |
The ideal brooding system is a combination of space heating & local heating
Meat ducks do not require very elaborate housing as compared to Broilers. The sheds are usually made of sample materials and are cheaper than those of layer ducks in costs.
Its wall is about 18 - 24 inches from the ground and are made of either concrete, zinc, aluminium or planks. The rest of the wall is either in wire netting or open areas. As for the floor, it is either cement, earthed , wire of slatted. To ensure good beddings, shaving, straw, padi husk and sand are used to cover the floor for a depth of about8cms. (6 inches).
With roofing, the design and shape usually depends on the direction of the wind, sun rays and rain in that particular area. This consideration helps to provide good ventilation, humidity and dryness of the bedding and the shed. The other important point in housing ducks is to ensure that the ducks are comfortable and provided with enough space while they are in the sheds. Lack of space and overcrowding will results in poor growth, activeness and feather picking.
After brooding, ducklings may be placed either in intensive or semi intensive rearing. Rearing quarters with good ventilations, protected from hot sun, heavy rain and wild animals are the choice of meat ducks. The floor should be dry, not overcrowded and provided with the correct number of drinker and feeders
The rearing space required for ducklings from this stage in the shed is 2.5 - 3 sq ft per duck. In addition runs of 3 - 5 sq ft. per duckling is also provided. Fences of 18" - 24" high are made so as to allow 400 - 500 ducklings in each pen. This is to ensure for best results of the end products.
Fattening ducks are ready for slaughtering when only seven to eight weeks old but to get good results the food and feeding is most important.
Quality of the feed is very important especially in the first three weeks of ducklings life. Feed is vital for future growth and the ration should be in high in protein. Apart from the correct balance between cereals and proteins. After three weeks the feed should be change to one that has less protein until depletion.
The Feeding recommendation for fattening or meat ducks.
A | 0 - 7 days
| Duck starter Mash
B | 0 - 21 days
| Duck Broiler Crumbles
It is important not to keep duck feed more than two weeks as older feeds can results in Aflatoxins poisoning.
A 40 watt bulb hanged 7 feet from the ground provides enough light for an area of 144 sq ft during brooding and growing. This light helps the ducklings to feed during the night and also allow to smell danger. As for sunshine, too much sun is bad for ducklings under 3 weeks of age as it can cause inflammation of eyes and blindness.
It is best to provide Meat ducks with 24 hours of light per day for efficient growth rate
Meat Ducks should be market alive or slaughtered between 7 to 8 weeks of age. A delay in marketing after this age will make processing difficult especially when new quills appearing during the ages of 9 to 14 weeks.
The farmer must ensure that in order to have a good sale, the meat duck produced should have a well rounded breast filled with meat and showing very little breastbone as required by the consumers.
It is important to keep meat ducks in a healthy conditions at all times. A healthy and disease free flocks will provide good returns to the farmers in the long run. In order to achieve this objective, the farmers should have a disease free farm, purchase disease free duckling, restriction in the movement of visitors, disinfect all shed and utensils after every batch and follow the advice of the Department of Veterinary Services in preventing and eradicating programme of sickly and disease ducks.
Farmers should inform the department of Veterinary Services soon as they see any deviation of their ducks health. Symptoms such as leg weakness, paralysis, swollen eyes, joints, daily mortality and sudden heavy loses are sign of disease. In order to prevent further loses, the farmer should seek immediate Veterinary help and carried out steps that are beneficial to their production.
Successful meat duck farmers does not only depend on good quality ducklings and good husbandry and management techniques but also that of the quality of their end products and the marketing channels to dispose of their produce. They should also understand the marketing pattern of meat ducks in the country especially those of its supply and demand situations. In Malaysia, duck meat promotions are none existence and as such the farmers have to start putting the message and goods across on television commercials in order to make a headway in duck meat consumptions.
1. |
| | |
| 1.1 | Sheds - 5 shed | |
| 1.2 | Size of shed 200' x 37.5'
| |
| 1.3 | Cost of shed per sq. ft - RM 2.00 | |
| 1.4 | Total cost per shed
| |
| 1.5 | Total cost of 5 shed | RM 75,000.00 |
| 1.6 | Sheds to be partition into 8 section each (25' x 27.5') | |
| | | |
2. |
| | |
| 2.1 | PVC Watertank @ 200 gallons
| |
| 2.2 | Brooder - Gas Brooder
| |
| 2.3 | Feeders
| |
| 2.4 | Drinkers
RM 18,000.00 |
| | Total : | RM 93,000.00 |
| | Notes
(2) Land - Own or rented (3) Bank loan of RM150,000.00
| |
| | | |
| | Estimated Costing
| |
| 1 | 10,500 day old duckling @ RM2.00 | RM 21,000.00 |
| 2 | Feed Cost
| 3 | Water, electricity, gas | RM 1,000.00 |
| 4 | Insurance | RM 400.00 |
| 5 | Depreciation
| RM 2,500.00
| 6 | Labour @ RM 300 per month | RM 1,200.00 |
| 7 | Miscellanous | RM 1,000.00 |
| 8 | Bank loan interest @ 8.5% for
| RM 1,275.00 |
| | Total: | RM 75,491.00 |
| | Cost production per broiler duck | RM 7.54 |
| | | |
| | Broiler Duck Potential | |
| 1 | Feed Conversion Ratio
| |
| 2 | Average Broiler Duck Live weight
| |
| 3 | Ex farm price live wt of Broiler Duck =
| |
| 4 | Income
| |
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